The Relationship that Heals

Nearly twenty years ago, sitting in a college class on counseling, I ran across an idea that struck me. This idea was that human beings move through difficulties in their lives when we feel deeply understood and engaged with by a person who cares.

I’ve learned a lot therapeutic of bells and whistles. It’s good stuff about the human psyche, relationships and mental health, and I use it regularly in my practice. And yet, the heart of the work for me comes back to that idea that we heal when we feel understood. I know perhaps that sounds simple, but mountains of research has been demonstrating through and through that a deeply engaging attachment with another person is the ground of change.

Facing deep emotional vulnerabilities - fear, loss, shame, unfulfilled longings and sadness is the first step in the change process, as it brings these often suppressed feelings into the light of a relational space. From there, therapy can be the holding space that drives new choices consistent with our authentic selves, both in our relationships and in the drama of our own life. We can begin to thrive.

If this way of thinking about therapy resonates with you, then I encourage you to reach out for a free consultation.